Behavioral Health Resources for Minority Populations

Behavioral health disparities remain a persistent public health issue in Ohio for racial and ethnic minority groups, sexual and gender minorities, low income individuals, and those who reside in more rural areas within the state.

Minority populations continue to face disparities due to discrimination, racism, and bias, stigma, lack of access to care, lack of adequate health insurance coverage, language barriers, transportation issues or difficultly finding childcare/getting time off work, and lack of knowledge about treatment or beliefs that treatment doesn't work.

It is of the utmost importance that we acknowledge and address these barriers in order to ensure minority populations receive proper behavioral health care. Now in the throes of a global pandemic, we must work to raise awareness and meet the behavioral health needs of these populations.

General information about minority behavioral health disparities:

Black behavioral health information and resources:

Hispanic and Latinx behavioral health disparities:

Asian and Pacific Islander behavioral health disparities:

LGBTQ behavioral health information and disparities:


Care providers who are interested in earning free CEU credits in health equity, can check out the trainings below offered by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and OptumHealth Education and United Healthcare.